
Can We Straighten Black Hair Without Breakage

In order to straighten your black hair, remote controlled flying shark you will first require to start growing new hair for about six to eight weeks. Before exposing your new hair to the extremity of the heat of a hair straightener, it is highly important to prepare your hair for the process by some simple touch ups. You are advised to apply some good heat protectant creams or sprays on your hair before using the flat iron so that your hair acquires the power to withstand the Syma s107 upgrade temperature of the hair iron. Rather than trying out the process of hair straightening by yourself without good skill and experience in hair straightening, it is always better that you get the help of a professional hair stylist. Here are some important tips that would help anyone to straighten their hair without causing any hair breakage. 1. It is always essential to prepare your scalp before using a relaxer. You should not scratch your scalp and make cuts there as the chemical ingredients in the relaxer when applied can easily penetrate inside the cut and cause serious chemical burns. And if you experience any type of irritation or discomfort during the application of the relaxer on your scalp, it is advised to wash the area thoroughly so as to get rid of the irritation and further hair damage. You should also not wash your hair before applying a relaxer as washing of hair can cause the pores to open and the same can happen when you have a cut on the scalp. 2. You can base your scalp by applying petroleum jelly. Providing a base to the scalp will help in protecting and cooling the skin from the adverse effects of the chemicals in the relaxer. You can use olive oil as a good base. 3. You should apply the relaxer properly on your scalp by dividing your hair into equal sections creating a horizontal line. You should apply the relaxer on the new growths and leave the relaxer to the time prescribed. 4. Wash your hair thoroughly and apply a protein-moisturizing conditioner. Rinse it out and allow your hair to dry.

