
Bird Feeders--keep Them For The Birds

Bird feeders are a wonderful addition to any backyard. They are a means of attracting beautiful, entertaining aviaries to your yard. Unfortunately, the manufacturers of bird feeders forgot to tell the squirrels that these are bird feeders, not squirrel feeders. Squirrels are, also, very cute creatures. However, once they find a bird feeder, they will start to pig out on it, leaving nothing wholesale rc for your invited guests. Although, there is something to be said, even, for their visits, someone forgot to tell the squirrels buy ps3 wholesale that bird feeders were meant for birds, not for squirrels. This should not mean that we don’t want squirrels. Because of their instinctual habit of gathering nuts and burying them for the winter, we can be grateful for beautiful trees that they helped provide for us. Because they don’t, always, remember where they planted the nuts, we reap the benefits of new trees that owe their existence to squirrel planting of nuts. These trees not only provide homes for our friends, the birds but they, also, clean our air.Research has shown that squirrels are very territorial. When fed at a distance away from your bird feeders, they will mark the area around their feeders as their territory. They will make their new surroundings a hangout for themselves, thereby, staying away from the bird feeders. This will keep the bird feeders for the birds—a win/win situation. That will keep birds and squirrels and property owners all happy—a happy environment for all concerned.

